
Malmo Relaxation Video Clip

Malmo relaxation is a video I decided to make when I went to Germany last year, hence I had the chance to visit Sweden for a while, I flew from Berlin going to Copenhagen because there is no direct flight to Malmo (Sweden) the area where I want to go.

The lovely thing is when I arrived in Copenhagen airport there was a metro station within the airport premises going to Sweden, it was awesome experience for me as I traveled directly from Denmark to Sweden within 10 minutes using the metro that during its way it goes under the sea water, I know you cannot see the view as the train is going through a shielded tunnel but you would feel the environment and at some point your ears will flicker because of the sea pressure.

The bridge is so long and has two levels one for the metro and the other for the cars.

I was lucky by visiting Sweden at August 2010 because at that time the weather was amazing, little clouds with few raining times, the sun was there almost all the daytime and the weather temperature was between 17 to 20 c during the say with wonderful wind, and I am mentioning that because as far as I know and as per my friends and relatives who are living there that Sweden is cloudy 99% during the year with heavy rain and heavy snow during winter… so the video you will watch below presenting Sweden’s best tourism time so basically, Malmo relaxation video shows Malmo city to whom they never been there before.

I used my Canon 550D to shoot HD video snapshots then I used Adobe Aftereffects and Adobe Premier to make the editing, montage and color corrections.

Also I used Canon lenses as below:
17 – 40 mm f/4L Canon Prime Lens
50 mm f/1.4 Canon Lens
18 – 55 mm f/3.5 – 5.6 Canon Lens

فيديو كليب استرخاء مالمو

عندما ذهبت الى المانيا قبل عدة سنوات سنحت لي الفرصه ان اذهب الى السويد لمدة اسبوع تقريبا، ذهبت الى مالمو في السويد عن طريق مطار كوبنهاكن في الدنمارك لان لم يكن هناك طيران مباشر الى مدينة مالمو السويدية.

الشيء الجميل اني عندما وصلت الى مطار مالمو كان هنالك قطار سريع من داخل المطار يصل مباشرة الى مدينة مالمو في السويد مرورا بمنطقة طويلة تحت البحر بنفق مغلق وبطابقين، الطابق العلوي لحركة السيارات باتجاهين والطابق السفلي لمرور القطار.

لقد كنت محظوظا عندما زرت السويد في شهر اغسطس حيث الجو الرائع وقتها، مع وجود بعض السحب وتساقط الامطار بعض الاوقات البسيطة، استطعت من رحلتي وقتها من التنقل داخل مدينة مالمو مع وجود كامرتي الكانون وتسجيل بعض اللقطات التي توثق وتوضح معالم مالمو الجميله اتمنى ان تنال رضاكم.

Watch Malmo Relaxation Video Clip

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