
Demon Transformation

A demon may be presented in unlimited ways especially when it comes to the film industry, there are many famous demon movies out there and many of them are unique but they all have the same goal, to be creepy.

I was thinking about the last time I made the Hulky Transformation on my friend Muhannad and was something cool, starting from this point I got the idea of creating another transformation for the same piece of footage presenting a demon.

The most important thing about creating the demon effect is to make it realistic and creepy and the challenge I faced during the work on this sample was the original footage were shot during daytime and creating a creepy look require to shoot it on night time … but I did my best to make it close.

 Attention *** Graphic video****

In the near future, I will be doing this effect in a real professional project.

I don’t want to make it long for you, you may check the 10 seconds demon transformation result and please tell me your opinion below and share this page on your facebook page.

Make this video full screen before you play it, rise up the sound volume and enjoy.

The Demon Transformation

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